This is my response to another prompt from my writing group: construct a poem that includes a 5-syllable word. I selected "teleportation," and other -ation words immediately came to mind, INCLUDING the big one that everyone can't stop talking about. (Some days, I feel like we're all celebrities on a red carpet: "Which shot are you 'wearing'? Moderna? Pfizer? Johnson & Johnson?")
Since writing this ditty, I have received both doses of the covid vaccine (Moderna, in case the gossip mags want to know), so my "Pre-Vax Blues" have dissipated—yay!
Pre-Vax Blues
After one full year in lockdown, I'm in need of a vacation,But my chances of escaping seem quite slim.
The pandemic is still raging, and I lack a vaccination,
So, I can't just board an airplane on a whim.
I suppose that I could drive to a nice, obscure location—
My friends all say that hiking is the best.
But brisk, outdoor activity soon leads to my frustration.
I hike ten feet, and then I need a rest.
Hop a jet or private sailboat? Let's not have that conversation.
I simply do not have that kind of dough.
And, anyway, again, there is the plight of destination:
I risk, where could I go?
My only option, as I see it: um, teleportation?
Beam me up to Mars! That would be swell!
I just have one, quick question on this means of transportation:
Can they send me with a bottle of Purell®?
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