Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Wishful Thinking

Although my blog posts are few and far between, I wrote quite a bit of poetry during April—30 poems, to be exact! Since April is National Poetry Month, I challenged myself to write a poem every day. (As a non-athlete, this was my version of running a 5K!)

I submitted a handful of my April poems to magazines. As of today, I've received two rejections (boo!), one tentative acceptance (hooray!), and one poem is still pending (*foot tap*).

The poem below was declined, but the "no" came with a lovely, personal note. When you're in the submissions game and accustomed to getting form-letter rejection emails, a friendly decline is NEARLY as good as an acceptance.

I don't usually play with form in my poetry, but the structure here is supposed to resemble a fishing line or a bottomless well. What do you think?

Wishful Thinking

I wish that I
could catch
a fish!
It's hopeless
I can
I'm all done
in this

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